'; ?> February 2010 | What The People Want
February 2010
Global Warming analysis January 2010
Saturday, 27 February 2010 21:52 | Written by Graham Young

Our polling shows that there has been a decline in those people who believe that Global Warming is manmade, and that it will be catastrophic, since we polled last time. There has also been a collapse in support for the CPRS.

Faith in the official government view of global warming has been shaken with a statistically significant decline in concern about Global Warming. This is not matched by a corresponding growth in those who are unconcerned. Rather the decrease is being transferred to the numbers of those who are unsure.

January Omnibus - Most Important Issue
Saturday, 27 February 2010 17:26 | Written by Graham Young

Climate Change continues to be the most important issue, followed by Economy. The newcomer this quarter is Population which has zoomed from 7% to 22%. Health and Water have also had a substantial increase. One surprise appearance this month is Rudd. It's taken a while, but just as John Howard had a strong "loathe" factor, Kevin Rudd appears to be developing one too. Most prime ministers do, and Rudd has escaped this factor for a surprisingly long time.