'; ?> May 2010 | What The People Want
May 2010
Understanding Leximancer
Thursday, 27 May 2010 07:34 | Written by Graham Young

I frequently publish Leximancer maps as part of my analysis, and each time I get a few emails asking me to please explain. Well, explanation is a difficult thing to do, so what we are going to do is let you drive the software yourselves using the map that I used to inform my commentary in the previous post on the issues. Now you can check-up on me.

Is the Kevin 07 brand tarnished? Radio interview
Wednesday, 26 May 2010 23:18 | Written by Graham Young

Alison Carabine, Radio National's Breakfast political editor interviewed me about the Rudd brand. My comments are of course based on our research which supports claims by GetUp that youth have moved more strongly against Kevin Rudd than other voters. Actually, our research suggests anyone under 54 is more likely to have moved against him than older voters.

April Omnibus - the issues
Tuesday, 25 May 2010 23:30 | Written by Graham Young

Our results are now four weeks old and possibly miss some of the more recent events. However they are also probably a more reliable guide to longer-term trends.

Little love for Abbott, but voters have stopped listening to Rudd
Tuesday, 25 May 2010 23:23 | Written by Graham Young

It’s a good thing for Labor that elections are rarely fought on budgets because initial reactions from our online qualitative polling panel say key voters have switched off Labor.

April Omnibus - the quant
Sunday, 09 May 2010 14:24 | Written by Graham Young

Labor continues to be in the doldrums; the Liberal Party is increasing its vote at the expense of the Nationals; and the Greens are continuing to hold their own, according to our latest omnibus poll.

Strong support for super and company tax changes
Friday, 07 May 2010 15:16 | Written by Graham Young

Our survey panel has given strong support to the Rudd Government’s announcements about super and company tax. They are less enthusiastic about the resource rental tax, particularly if they are swinging voters.