'; ?> June 2010 | What The People Want
June 2010
Roy Morgan - was honeymoon a one night stand?
Tuesday, 29 June 2010 20:01 | Written by Internet Thinking

It's getting hard to draw a bead on exactly where the Gillard coup has positioned Labor with the latest opinion poll, this time from Gary Morgan, showing the Liberals ahead of Labor by 51.5% to 48.5% on the two-party vote. Morgan also shows Gillard leading Abbott as preferred Prime Minister by 49% to 34%, although 48% percent approve of the job that Tony Abbott is doing compared to 40% who approve of Julia's performance.

No bounce for Gillard - Newspoll
Monday, 28 June 2010 13:02 | Written by Internet Thinking

Newspoll confirms that so far there has been no honeymoon for Gillard. Their latest figures show Labor bottoming in May with a slow rebound since then. With a two-party preferred vote of 53% to the Liberals 47% it doesn't quite reach their mid-April standing.

Galaxy close to OLO result
Sunday, 27 June 2010 13:08 | Written by Internet Thinking

The Galaxy poll published in The Sunday Mail today appears closer to our results than Nielsen as they show a small bounce to Labor, but not a huge one. The two-party preferred margin is 52 to 48 - a solid election win.


Nielsen shows bounce for Gillard
Saturday, 26 June 2010 18:20 | Written by Internet Thinking

AC Nielsen, as reported in the Fairfax papers, shows an increase in the two-party preferred Labor vote from 47 percent to 55 percent. If this is true it contradicts the findings of our qualitative survey reported in The Australian and republished here.