'; ?> September 2010 | What The People Want
September 2010
Christians and atheists - post election analysis
Thursday, 09 September 2010 21:48 | Written by Graham Young

Research by John Black confirms that Labor lost the Christian voters it gained last election, but did better with atheists and agnostics. But the Christians were more potent, living in key electorates. Non-believers were highly likely to be Greens voters.

Party insider poll tips are for mugs
Friday, 20 August 2010 10:24 | Written by Graham Young

Mugs are what most of my colleagues in the media are. Most media are  reporting internal ALP polling which shows that the government has 52 percent of the two-party vote, but is doing poorly in marginals in Queensland, New South Wales and West Australia. They give this polling credence and say that the election will be close.