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Gender gulf amongst swingers |
I've just isolated all those people who have changed their two-party preferred vote from one side to the other, or from undecided to one side or the other. While the sample is small (95) it does tell a credible story. But first the table so you can make sense of it yourselves first.
When you look at this table you need to bear in mind that if someone is listed as preferencing the Coalition, then they are someone who in the first poll we took said they were either preferencing Labor or were undecided. The same applies in reverse. What this table suggests is very little movement in the younger groups but a pronounced swing to Labor amongst women 55-64 and from Liberal to Labor amongst males 45-54, but a reversal of this amongst men 65 and older. Looking at the totals of the columns women have settled for Labor strongly in this sample, while the men are even between Liberal and Labor.
Male- female- who gives a fig?
BTW, I'm female, post the menopausal age, and simply cannot believe any sensible woman in Australia with a functioning brain would spend 20cents on the Wimmens Weekly Julia spread. But there you go, people do these insane things.
They may even vote for Ms Gillard as PM. Anything's possible.
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