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December Quants |
This shows that sentiment about the direction in which the country is heading is negative, but less negative than last year. The Prime Minister's approval rating has also improved with an increase in approval to 34% - two better than the vote of her party which in this sample is 32%. She is a very mild positive. By contrast Abbott is less popular than his party, but only just. He has a positive approval of 39% while the party primary is on 40%. It's hard to get past the fact that neither of the leaders is popular and that the public are voting as much as anything else for the parties they represent. Abbott's figures have improved since June when he was scoring -17% net. According to our sample Tony Abbott is the preferred PM, although there is no statistically significant difference between the two figures. This is a change from last year when Julia Gillard was ahead, if only by 3 percentage points. |
I'd like journalists to actually do what they use to do---their own "research/inves tigations" rather than just accepting bits from press releases and what I can only refer to as the "he said/she said/some-one told me/her/ him --- that---" --with no names and no credability! Too easy to pass on lies, distortions of the facts that, when repeated by others, are presented to the readers/viewers as truths!!
The P M, Julia Gillard is great, as are her ministers---sma rt, competent, articulate, know their portfolios and can explain issues-No way do we need a return to the "I/me-ism" of Kevin Rudd
Both Labor and Liberals have recently been quick to talk up their interest in Australian manufacturing and the creation of jobs.
This seems to be a reaction to the excellent work being done by Senator John Madigan (Democratic Labor Party, Victoria), Bob Katter MP (Independent, Qld), and Senator Nick Xenophon (Independent, SA) as they attempt to drag Australia out of the economic hell hole that we have been increasingly driven into by Labor/Libs over the last 35+ years.
I think you already said it all right.
Thanks for you intelligent commentary, it helps readers as well.
Heather from mini four encastrable
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