'; ?> Quants for Queensland floods | What The People Want
Quants for Queensland floods

There were two clear winners out of the Queensland floods in terms of their reputation with the public. They were Anna Bligh and your local mayor.

Out of our qualitative sample of 525 Anna Bligh had 79% approval with only 8% disapproval,

How strongly do you approve or disapprove of Anna Bligh's performance during the flooding.
Count of Bligh_Flood_Approve
Bligh_Flood_Approve Total
Strongly approve 45%
Approve 34%
Neither approve nor disapprove 12%
Disapprove 4%
Strongly disapprove 4%
Unsure 0%
Grand Total 100%
Total approve 79%
Total disapprove 8%
Net approve 71%

which is only topped by Queensland Lord Mayors who were collectively approved by 83% with only 6% disapproving.

How strongly do you approve or disapprove of your mayor's performance during the flooding.
Count of Mayor_Approve
Mayor_Approve Total
Strongly approve 58%
Approve 26%
Neither approve nor disapprove 9%
Disapprove 4%
Strongly disapprove 3%
Unsure 1%
Grand Total 100%
Total approve 83%
Total disapprove 6%
Net approve 77%

Campbell Newman even did better than average (the samples are too small to comment on this with the other mayors):

Count of Mayor_Approve
Mayor_Approve Total
Strongly approve 59%
Approve 31%
Neither approve nor disapprove 5%
Disapprove 4%
Strongly disapprove 1%
Grand Total 100%
Total approve 90%
Total disapprove 5%
Net approve 85%

It might seem that if you are in charge of a government then you benefited from the floods. That is not so with Julia Gillard's performance being disapproved by more than approved of it:

How strongly do you approve or disapprove of Julia Gillard's performance during the flooding.
Count of Gillard_Approve
Gillard_Approve Total
Strongly approve 10%
Approve 25%
Neither approve nor disapprove 23%
Disapprove 19%
Strongly disapprove 23%
Unsure 1%
Grand Total 100%
Total approve 35%
Total disapprove 42%
Net approve -7%

Her approval levels were similar to Tony Abbott's

How strongly do you approve or disapprove of Tony Abbott's performance during the flooding.
Count of Abbott_Approve
Abbott_Approve Total
Strongly approve 7%
Approve 26%
Neither approve nor disapprove 31%
Disapprove 17%
Strongly disapprove 17%
Unsure 3%
Grand Total 100%
Total approve 33%
Total disapprove 34%
Net approve -1%

but her disapprovals much higher.

Worst performer was LNP state leader John Paul Langbroek:

How strongly do you approve or disapprove of John Paul Langbroek's performance during the flooding.
Count of Langbroek_Flood_Approve
Langbroek_Flood_Approve Total
Strongly approve 5%
Approve 20%
Neither approve nor disapprove 41%
Disapprove 15%
Strongly disapprove 11%
Unsure 9%
Grand Total 100%
Total approve 24%
Total disapprove 25%
Net approve -1%

He suffers from indifference with more people rating him neutrally than positively or negatively.

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0 #1 What a joke that Newman once again comesMartin Trama 2011-03-07 10:59
What a joke that Newman once again comes up smellling like the spin merchant he is. Did everyone forget his statement that people should travel to work thus clogging up flooded roads.Why was it that this man had no contigency plans for such things as massive pontoons floating unchecked down the river,luck only and a small tug saved the city from further devastation.New mans tunnel has caused the collapse of the holding company and further cost to rate payers.When it comes to spin Newmans reputation will always remain intact.
0 #2 Guy Fawkes for PM (or Lord Mayor?). I reStewart Beveridge 2011-03-07 11:31
Guy Fawkes for PM (or Lord Mayor?). I reckon Campbell did OK from my perspective in the Redlands.
However, what contingency plans would Martin envisage for massive floods carrying pontoons down the river. If there are any, send them to Campbell, as I am sure he would be greatly appreciative.
In the meantime, there was a letter in our local paper a few weeks ago about a plan that was proposed post 1974 floods to have Wivenhoe for flood mitigation and two other dams to be built . One for Electricity generation and one for water supply for Brisbane. The two dams were to be topped up from Wivenhoe which was to be basically emptied at the start of the wet season. Not much use in El Nino but would have been pretty handy in a La Nina. Remember the very unhappy noises when they let some water go from Wivenhoe in October 2010 then the 'very-wise-afte r-the-event' people said that if more had been let go, it might have avoided the severity of the flood. Hindsight is 20/20. Now they are investigating why more water was not let go earlier!!
The project for the dams apparently was budgeted for by the Coalition but canned by the incoming Goss govet. Interesting!!!
0 #3 Our Local Mayor (Lockyer) did a very gooKev Smith 2011-03-07 20:34
Our Local Mayor (Lockyer) did a very good job and should be applauded. Campbell Newman sounded good and we can be assured that he will 'walk the walk". Bligh...NO. Incompetence of her and her so-called ministry continues. I'm sure we will still be waiting for yars to come for them to to the jobs that need doing now especially outside Brisbane. For a little while it seemed she knew Qld actually extended past Ipswich and the Coasts but she will soon revert to form. Let's have an election this year!!!