The qual shows that voters are not enthusiastic about either of the parties. When thinking of the LNP, their disappointment, and even anger, is directed at Campbell Newman. However, when thinking of the ALP, their focus is a bit more diffused. The Leximancer maps below plus verbatims tell the story.
What is the most important issue in this election?

We need sustainability: agricultural (FOOD) sustainability by using innovative technology water sustainability by encouraging water holding policies and better storm water management energy sustainability by moving towards renewable energy infrastructure. in education where everyone can reach their goals and achieve a good quality of life of the provision of health care and services where people are not punished for being on a low income. LNP
economy, unemployment especially the long term unemployed, rise in drug use, lack of education for many children re work ethic, exercise, drug use, lack of nutritional knowledge leading to obesity. Suggest latter topics need to be part of school curriculum because many of their parents are uneducated in these areas. ALP
The environment! Wind up the sunset industry of coal mining, it employs fewer people, families and towns than tourism and it is killing the atmosphere and changing life on the land, destroying the oceans and ocean life, polluting the Great Artesian Basin, wrecking native forest (carbon sinks) and permanently erasing prime agricultural land necessary to feed Australians. Enact the Beyond Zero Emissions programme immediately! ( Other
What is your first preference?

Because the LNP has been a disaster over the term of this government, I am totally opposed to their actions so far and their policies for the next term - at least those that they have told us about so far, and I find the ALP's direction much fairer, more reasonable and more sustainable. In addition the LNP has changed industrial laws to strike out entire sections of agreements that employees voted on as part of a negotiation - a negotiation that involved give and take. ALP
While I don't like some of their policies and actions, at least they do have a plan to revitalize the economy. What did the ALP do with all the money from the boom??? LNP
How strongly do you approve or disapprove of Campbell Newman's performance as premier?

The arrogance and ignorance of this Government, in particular Campbell Newman, Jarrod Bleije, Tim Nicholls, David Crisafulli, Lawrence Springborg Government corruption - watering down of CMC, questionable judicial appointments, government MPs breaking laws/by laws Privatisation of publicly owned assets in particular Electricity - why privatise revenue generating assets that subsidizes general revenue.. cuts to public service and funding of NGOs - a society should be judged by how it treats its most vulnerable and removing support services only increases disadvantage. ALP
I think he has gone a long way to reducing criminal activity with his VLAD laws which has reduced the amount of bikie clubs which where getting out of hand in Australia. He also reduced the amount of public servants without compromising services in Qld. LNP
Campbell Newman has had to show strong leadership to turn Queensland's economy around. Initially he seemed to come across as dictatorial and was perceived as arrogant, partly because of his military background, but he has softened his approach and has become a better communicator. ONP
How strongly do you approve or disapprove of Annastacia Palaszczuk's performance as opposition leader?

She is not a strong leader and Labor has been caught with its pants down with the calling of an early election. I still await its economic plan, but I cannot support Labor because of its poor economic management skills. LNP
She is not a strong leader and Labor has been caught with its pants down with the calling of an early election. I still await its economic plan, but I cannot support Labor because of its poor economic management skills. ALP
She is not a natural leader and was thrown into the job by the electoral disaster in 2012. Given the miniscule team she has it is a miracle the ALP has rebounded to the point it has. Other
Who is your preferred premier?

He has the runs on the board if people step back and weigh up his positive achievements for Qld. Annastacia is always a single voice and does not emanate leadership of her party let alone as a Premier. ALP (atypical)
because Campbell Newman has made so many bad decisions - Chief Justice, ethics committee, bikies, snap election to spite the party, environmental decisions, not valuing the public service, mental health, teachers, nurses, adjusting the waiting lists re surgery ....etc ALP (typical)
there would be half a dozen LNP Cabinet Ministers that would make a better Premier than Palachuck. Its about Leadership, having a proper understanding of business and how the economy runs and putting the wheels in motion to get Qld moving again. ALP (atypical)
I am afraid I will vote LNP again to give their policies and actions time to bear fruit. Labor does not deserve to be elected back to government. LNP
He appears a strong leader who knows what he is doing, has a good policy and doesn't care much about the media cycle. By staying in Ashgrove he is putting his job of the last three years on the line and that shows courage and a willingness to take the flack if people don't like the way he has done the job. LNP
She gives the impression that she would be prepared to ’steady the ship’ - something voters want when a lot of people are being made redundant from their jobs. - Mind you, if Labor does win - watch the male Labor politicians start to undermine Ms Palaszcuk. Other