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Queensland election 2015: the quants |
Campbell Newman has his back against the wall with Labor currently close enough to take government on a uniform swing. This analysis is based on 603 responses from our qualitative panel. The panel has been adjusted to represent first preference voting intentions taken from the most recent Newspoll. Newspoll shows the LNP on 42%, ALP 37%, Greens 7%, Others 14%. Our sample has been weighted to account for that as it is opt-in and therefore not necessarily representative of the population at large. The following tables tell the story. The most signficant issue in terms of this election is who most deserves to be the government, and whether the opposition is ready or not. Asked whether the Opposition has done enough to deserve to be the Government, 54% think they haven't done enough, while only 27% think they have. On the same question the government's figures are 52% and 43% - signficantly better. Asked whether the Opposition needed at least another term in government 50% agree and 36% disagree.
Back in the day when the Libs and Nats were at each others' throats Just Vote 1 worked well for Labor.
Whichever way you look at it, perverting the electoral system to your own ends is sleezy. Or: what goes around comes around.
A fair number of Greens supporters are ex-Libs and the LNP could get their enviro policies a bit closer to the modern developed-count ry mainstream and win those back at least as a #2 choice. But it seems they would rather live in the Murdoch echo chamber of all enviro policies are evil.
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