Note that most of the Leximancer map is taken up with issues normally friendly to the coalition with most of the Labor friendly issues squeezed up under the "change" (climate change) theme.
The themes that Leximancer shows are Living (cost of living) Greens, Carbon (Carbon tax), Economy and Change (climate change).
A selection of quotes illustrates where most respondents are coming from and reveal some of the complexity in these issues. The government is seen by many as inept to the extent that even if they thought the measures were good they would have no confidence in them to enact them. So it is coming back to a trust election, like the 2004 one, except this time, the government is not trusted to tell the truth, nor to deliver the goods. In 2004 Howard was able to win an election against Latham because while people didn't trust Howard to tell the truth, but they did trust him to deliver good government. This government is seen as neither competent nor honest.
Carbon Tax, political control by independents and greens, squandering of national funds and the ineptness of Labor in fiscal management and their determination to kill the golden geese of Australia's current and future wealth. The greens ultimate desire to shut down all coal mining in Australia.
The government we have,or the one we might get of the current one falls over.2. We are told that people over a certain age don't believe a carbon tax is necessary, and don't want to commit to making a financial contribution to a carbon tax - but in my opinion they hesitate, not because they are reluctant to help, but because they no longer trust the Gillard government not squander the money that would be involved, and hive it off to their next ’Good Idea.’
Economic management, especially fiscal policy where the Govt is spending too much money on low productive initiatives irresponsibly and driving up national debt; Infrastructure development to drive our economy; Health (particularly addressing declining hospital standards); A true cap and trade regime for carbon; Support for innovation
Carbon tax or any thing like it to be abandoned.No same sex marriage which is what the Greens are pushingLive trade immediately restartedRiver Murray have a decent plan for management of water for all people involvedDeal with the illegal boat people & start Naru.
I still think climate change is a real issue however we need to give the people some confidence about the future by hurrting up some of the issues on the table like the mining tax, the cattle industry, the extent f the climate policy etc
Environmental issues including food production and water resources as well as degradation of the natural environment when competing with requirements of energy production, a population that doesn't want to limit its consumption and the economic prevalence of mining make a potent mixture of issues.
reducing carbon emissions, closing coal fired power plants putting money into establishing "Free energy" see
A very strong commitment to combating global warming is required - the implementation of a carbon tax with the revenue generated, at least partly, being used to fund and subsidise renewable energy development and infrastructure. A much greater implementation of the principles of social justice to refugees is required.
Long term views vs populism. Climate change vs self interest; refugees vs narrow self interest (racism/fear of the unknown); long term education/economics vs reactionary attitudes.
In tandem: the social engineering attempts by the government: refugees, carbon, gay marriage; and the economic waste of the NBN and assorted other waste of huge sums.
if a party came out with a positive human rights policy - refugees/asylum seekers, nt2nd invasion/intervention, positive action re climate change, then i would vote for them.
Drab politics, watching Q&A both sides suffered loud applause when berated by questions and members of the audience pointing out that neither side were showing vision and policies from the coalition still seem to be nowhere to be seen. The leadership of the Liberals looks like it is just waiting to be changed as we head towards the next election.
Carbon Tax, political control by independents and greens, squandering of national funds and the ineptness of Labor in fiscal management and their determination to kill the golden geese of Australia's current and future wealth. The greens ultimate desire to shut down all coal mining in Australia. M 55-64
The government we have,or the one we might get of the current one falls over.2. We are told that people over a certain age don't believe a carbon tax is necessary, and don't want to commit to making a financial contribution to a carbon tax - but in my opinion they hesitate, not because they are reluctant to help, but because they no longer trust the Gillard government not squander the money that would be involved, and hive it off to their next ’Good Idea.’ F 65-74
Economic management, especially fiscal policy where the Govt is spending too much money on low productive initiatives irresponsibly and driving up national debt; Infrastructure development to drive our economy; Health (particularly addressing declining hospital standards); A true cap and trade regime for carbon; Support for innovation M 45-54
Carbon tax or any thing like it to be abandoned.No same sex marriage which is what the Greens are pushingLive trade immediately restartedRiver Murray have a decent plan for management of water for all people involvedDeal with the illegal boat people & start Naru. M 55-65
I still think climate change is a real issue however we need to give the people some confidence about the future by hurrting up some of the issues on the table like the mining tax, the cattle industry, the extent f the climate policy etc (Unknown)
Environmental issues including food production and water resources as well as degradation of the natural environment when competing with requirements of energy production, a population that doesn't want to limit its consumption and the economic prevalence of mining make a potent mixture of issues. M 65-74
reducing carbon emissions, closing coal fired power plants putting money into establishing "Free energy" see F 45-54
A very strong commitment to combating global warming is required - the implementation of a carbon tax with the revenue generated, at least partly, being used to fund and subsidise renewable energy development and infrastructure. A much greater implementation of the principles of social justice to refugees is required. M 55-64
Long term views vs populism. Climate change vs self interest; refugees vs narrow self interest (racism/fear of the unknown); long term education/economics vs reactionary attitudes. F 55-64
In tandem: the social engineering attempts by the government: refugees, carbon, gay marriage; and the economic waste of the NBN and assorted other waste of huge sums. M 45-54
if a party came out with a positive human rights policy - refugees/asylum seekers, nt2nd invasion/intervention, positive action re climate change, then i would vote for them. F 55-64
Drab politics, watching Q&A both sides suffered loud applause when berated by questions and members of the audience pointing out that neither side were showing vision and policies from the coalition still seem to be nowhere to be seen. The leadership of the Liberals looks like it is just waiting to be changed as we head towards the next election. (Unknown)
The current level of pollution (if it could magically be turned off today) will take at least 400 years to wash out of the system. But that's for illustration only and is a simplistic view. As the industrial reality of things stand, carbon and pollution can't be stopped, only slowed, and science is looking at from 100,000 to 400,000 years of no pollution to return to pre-industrial levels.
In short, climate is in constant change, with severe ups and downs of temperature. Before each of the last eight ice ages, the temperature has risen sharply, like wind ahead of a front. We will have an ice age at some point, as cold is the default position, not heat. But relax, during the last ice age, when sea levels were some 300 feet lower than today, mankind had access to much more usable land, and could travel freely between today's islands.
We can choose to be either scared or excited. Great leadership will make the difference. But we can't alter what's coming. With just 700mm of sea rise, the toilets in Melbourne won't flush. In short order the city will be uninhabitable. As for Bangladesh: what Bangladesh? Disease and viruses will have decimated the country ahead of the sea rise that will submerge it. Yes, big changes, big challenges, requiring big leadership.
This is not Domesday, just RealDay. Happy to help anyone with access to the science.
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