'; ?> Whingeing Wendy Again | What The People Want
Whingeing Wendy Again

“Silly advert, it really annoys me. Everybody knows the economic situation we're faced with. The LNP are very aware of Qld losing its AAA rating and the job losses across the state. And if we want to talk semantics, neither Kevin Rudd nor Malcolm Turnbull will use the word recession yet. So what do Labor really think this ad is achieving? It just annoys me.” Female, 25-34, Consultant

“i dont want to vote for labour there is no alternative party , Springborg is a moron & he isnt getting any better.” Female, 55-64, Director

“Too condescending, too low brow - Queenslanders aren't hicks or idiots” Male, 35-44, Public Servant

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0 #1 CommentGreg 2009-03-18 16:31
This add along with the attack add on McCardle worry me. These adds are indicative of a party, the ALP, that has nothing to sell other than trotting out the Spin Doctors twist of what was said. This is all reminisant of Rudds inflation Boggey man, now it is Recession, there I wrote "it" and the end of the world didn't come, lets set the record straight Qld is not in recession we are still growing. Stop using the politics of Fear, stop trying scare little old ladies and try the truth, unless the truth is unpallatable.
The Borg will not get my vote, I think, but if the ALP can do no better than trot out crap like this they will turn swinging voters that will give the government benches to the LNP