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Preferred Prime Ministers |
It's not good news for Julia Gillard, who can't win either of her head to heads, and qualified good news for Rudd who can just beat Abbott. It's also reasonable for Tony Abbott who is competitive against either Rudd or Gillard, but it is very good news for Malcolm Turnbull. When Turnbull was leader of the Liberal Party, particularly at first, we found a lot of respondents who approved of him, but preferred Kevin Rudd as Prime Minister. They liked Turnbull, but he was in the wrong party, and there was little differentiation between him and Rudd. Now Rudd's star has obviously waned substantially, and even the fact that Turnbull is a Liberal does not appear to damage his preferred Prime Minister standing. |
I would Prefer Tony Abott or Joe Hockey in terms of sincerity to Malcolm Turnbul
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