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Greens leadership - quants |
The Greens complete the trifecta both of major parties, and of parties where the parliamentary leader is not the favourite of the electorate at large. Unlike Labor the current leader, Christine Milne, is popular with Greens supporters, but unlike the Liberals where the leader is wildly popular with his party support base, her support is only just ahead of Adam Bandt amongst Greens supporters. We tested three separate leadership hopefuls, and Sarah Hanson-Young scored least support. She had 15% across the board, and only 8% amongst Greens supporters. This compared with 54% and 40% for Bandt and 31% and 52% for Milne. Milne gets an absolute majority from Greens supporters for first choice, however there is a significant opposition to her leadership. After first and second choice Milne has 80% of the vote compared to Bandt's 88%.
Bearing in mind that we are polling electors at large, not party members, it is possible that a ballot could deliver the leadership to Bandt. |
Lorikeet: no one claims we can control every nuance of climate. That is the problem: the only way we can change it is by a large-scale, multi-decadal intervention with a limited ability to predict the finer nuances of the effect. If we could control climate in detail, we could fix the problem easily. To put this into perspective, the amount of CO_2 industry has emitted for the last 2 centuries is on a scale that nature has in the past rarely added to the atmosphere in a single event, and even then, over tens of thousands of years: en.wikipedia.org/.../...
The anti vaccination arguments have a lot of merit, you obviously have no idea at all what they are but are prepared to classify those who disagree with your blind belief system as criminals, - and you want to force those who disagree to kill their children, - as they would see it, and they take their information from millions of surveys, not the bogus one you trot out.
Your attitude exemplifies why we should not support Christine Milne as she holds a bigoted viewpoint and wishes to ram it down innocent peoples throats, - as you also seem to want to do!!
Also, "there have been media reports", - as you well should know by your age, media reports have only two requirements to exist, 1/- it is sensational so people will read it, 2/- it does not offend the multinational or whatever owns the newspaper.
The days when media reports could be used as evidence have long gone, if they ever existed,
Another side to this debate is one from a Doctor G Lancelot MD from Canada, who says "The Medical authorities keep lying, Vaccination has been a disaster on the immune system. It causes lots of illnesses. We are actually changing our genetic code through vaccination." - source - www.vaccinationinformationnetw ork.com/.../
Please remember that your opinion is not the Will of God, reality will be not black and white but Gray. Geoff.
However no one could successfully argue that immunisation has not very greatly decreased deaths and deformities from certain illnesses.
I guess sometimes it is a matter of deciding which is the lesser of 2 evils, the disease or the cure/preventati ve measure.
This is certainly unpredictable in the case of some illnesses e.g. polio, in which one could be mildly ill, permanently deformed or completely dead.
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